Derby Homes (Responsive Maintenance Partnering Contract)


Derby Homes Limited is an arm's length management organisation – ALMO created by Derby City Council to manage, maintain and improve its council houses and estates.

The Derby Homes Maintenance Programme works throughout the city of Derby and is responsible for the programme of regular maintenance to tenants’ homes to maintain and improve living standards. 

Smart Objectives delivered a series of Stakeholder Engagement workshops for the Derby Homes Responsive Maintenance Partnering Contract, at      the Rolls-Royce Leisure Association building in Derby.

The workshops brought together employees from Derby Homes and Derby City Council, representatives and residents from the community, and partner contracting organisations.

Workshop Details

Customer:  United Welsh

Delegates: Delegates/stakeholders from United Welsh, Lovell and The Mark Davis Partnership

No of delegates: 35

Number of Workshops: 1 

Venue: The Gate – Arts and Community Centre, Roath, Wales.

Time: 8.45-17.00