Smart Objetives - Case Studies


These real life cases studies are designed to give an insight into some of the workshops and improvement programmes that we have delivered. 

Each case study will provide you with an introduction to the team, the group or business we have worked with. These case studies will also highlight the clients objectives (I.e. what they hoped to get out of the intervention).

Our team at Smart Objectives have delivered a wide range of improvement programmes and workshop, for a wide variety of clients. We have worked with projects, teams, stakeholder groups, companies and communities.

These case studies you will show you the variety and flexibility of our approach to facilitation. This is what makes facilitating so much fun!

Carillion Rail Behavioural Change /Coaching Programme

The Carillion behavioural change programme is designed to raise awareness of behavioural safety within Carillion rail projects and project teams, to recruit and train coaches/mentors who will support and facilitate the implementation of behavioural change within Carillion rail projects and project teams.

Smart Objectives Limited also provided continual professional development and support for Coaches/Mentors to help them develop in their new role.

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Read more: Carillion Rail Behavioural Change /Coaching Programme

Low Zero Carbon Hub

The Wales Low Zero Carbon Hub is a coalition that is supported by the Welsh Assembly Government, the building industry, housing and voluntary sectors in Wales. The hub’s aim is to help the Welsh Assembly meet its target to reduce carbon dioxide emission

Smart Objectives Limited designed and facilitated the Wales Low Zero Carbon Hub Workshop, at the St David's Hotel & Spa in Cardiff. 

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Read more: Low Zero Carbon Hub

Network Rail – UK National Programme

Smart Objectives delivered a series of Behavioural Change "Making a Difference" (M.A.D) workshops with contractors from Network Rail’s Track Renewal Team. These workshops formed part of Network Rail’s strategy for improving the behaviours of track workers on site. 

Smart Objectives designed the awareness programme and over a 2 year period delivered approximately 42 MAD Awareness events nationally across the UK

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Read more: Network Rail – UK National Programme

South West London Public Health

The Strengthening commissioning in South West London Strategy Workshop brought together representatives from 5 Primary Care Trusts (PCT) in the South West London (SWL) region (Richmond and Twickenham, Wandsworth, Sutton and Merton, Kingston and Croydon).

Smart Objectives designed and facilitated The Strengthening Commissioning in South West London Strategy Workshop and produced the workshop report.

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Read more: South West London Public Health

Quadrant 3 Project Team

The project team lead by Stanhope and Sir Robert McAlpine, are currently working on the Crown Estate’s initiative to transform the south end of Regent Street. The works includes the redevelopment of the former Regent Palace Hotel into 200,000 sq ft of offices, 58,000 sq ft of retail and restaurant space and 8,000 of residential space.

Smart Objectives designed and delivered numerous workshops over the duration of this 2 year project.

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Read more: Quadrant 3 Project Team

Sovereign Development Consortium

The Sovereign Development Consortium (SDC) is an alliance of eight general needs landlords and specialist housing providers based around the south and south-west of England. Each provide a broad range of skills and strengths.By collaborating together, SDC can cut procurement costs, achieve efficiencies, bid more effectively for funding and share best practice.

Smart Objectives designed and delivered the Strategy workshop at the Sovereign Housing Group’s offices in Newbury.

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Read more: Sovereign Development Consortium

American Express Project Team

Sir Robert McAlpine is leading the construction team as part of the American Express’s £100m workspace improvement programme in Brighton. The new office block will accommodate call centre operations, executive meeting and office space, and ancillary staff facilities; a separate services facility building will be built adjacent to the main building.

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Read more: American Express Project Team

Denbighshire County Council(School Maintenance Programme)

Denbighshire County Council is committed to providing a first class education for all children and young people in the county. As part of this commitment, the council has agreed that modernising education provision is a priority because it is important to have school buildings, learning environments and resources that meet the needs of 21st century Wales.

Denbighshire County Council is investing to sustain high standards of educational attainment to meet the needs of pupils, the wider community and the economy. In order to achieve this, the maintenance programme for schools delivers important improvements in areas where needed. 

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Read more: Denbighshire County Council(School Maintenance Programme)

Derby Homes (Responsive Maintenance Partnering Contract)

Derby Homes Limited is an arm's length management organisation – ALMO created by Derby City Council to manage, maintain and improve its council houses and estates. The Derby Homes Maintenance Programme works throughout the city of Derby and is responsible for the programme of regular maintenance to tenants’ homes to maintain and improve living standards. 

Smart Objectives designed and delivered a series of Stakeholder Engagement workshops for the Derby Homes Responsive Maintenance Partnering Contract, at the Rolls-Royce Leisure Association building in Derby.

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Read more: Derby Homes (Responsive Maintenance Partnering Contract)